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The End of a Chapter

Writer: MatzeMatze

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

23 months, 100 weeks or 701 days spent on African soil. My time in South Sudan—and also in Africa—has now come to an end and I am very thankful for these two years that I was able to spend here. But the end of one chapter is always the beginning of a new one.

May Christ get the glory

“He must become greater, I must become less.” (John 3:30 NLT)

As I wrap things up here, I was reminded by John the Baptist’s words. John’s disciples complained that all the people now run to Jesus to get baptized instead of going to John. And His response was simple: May Christ get the glory! He is the one deserving the glory. He is just the friend who rejoices over the bridegroom when he got married. He is happy that no one remembers him, but Christ. It is so easy for me to look back and see what I have done and what I have accomplished. And maybe the people will even say: Look what Matze has done. But I don’t want that. All I have done, I have done for Christ. When people look back on me, I want them to see Christ and Him alone. It is not important who I am, if they remember my name or my face. But I would love to hear in years to come that there is a thriving church in Lopit, reaching out to their own and beyond.

Laarim Media Trip

Looking back

It has been a really good time here in Lopit. I have learned many things, living in a rural village in South Sudan and I have been challenged in many ways. It has been a year with many different roles and responsibilities, which was not always easy to manage. I had to learn a new language and build relationships. I did a lot of maintenance work—solar systems, motorbikes, cars and much more. I did an online course in missiology called “Perspectives”. I did some media projects. I attended bible studies and helped with theological training. And I helped establish a church in one of the villages. A lot has happened in this year and I’m thankful for this time. Let me highlight three things that stood out for me.

Discipling two youths

For some months I was able to walk with two young guys, M* and O*, that showed interest in God’s Word. We met once a week to read the Bible together, where they practiced reading and learned more about God’s Word. We also hiked up the mountain together, went to get bamboo in the woods and spend some evening sitting and talking. Over these couple months, we became very close and I could see them grow. Beginning of this year, they went to Torit to go to High School. When I went to Torit the other day, I was so happy to see that they are going to a local church, are part of the youth choir and read the Word of God. Pray with me that M* and O* would continue to seek Jesus and would grow to be godly men.

Lopit photos

Walking with A*

Some years back, missionaries established a church in one of our villages. But the church struggled and the local leader fell back into cultural ways of life and sin. We wanted to establish the church there again and as my team told me: The timing was perfect for you to come. I was able to start the church again, share bible stories on Sundays and walk with A*—the man that was leading the church years back. I spent time with him, he taught me how to weave baskets and hats and we read the Bible together. I’m so happy to see how faithful he has been, how he established a weekly bible study in his village going from home to home, how he teaches songs to the kids and how he left sin completely. As I leave now, there is no one to really walk with him anymore and to encourage him. Pray with me that A* would stand strong and God would give him the strength to continue and even raise up another man in this village that can journey with him.

Photo and Video projects

Towards the end of my time, I was able to do a ton of video projects which was really fun. I got to spend one week in Torit, where we work among a medical school and one week in Laarim, a tribe about 50km east of us.

The Laarim Ministry Team.

In Laarim, we have a Rwandan missionary called Noblesse. His church came out to see his work and asked me to do a mobilizing video.

Peter is a local missionary. Raised in Torit, he went back to his own people after he had finished High School to share about Jesus.

The Lopit Ministry Team.

There are two more videos in the making. I will share them with you as soon as they are finished:)

Farewell church service and bible study in Ohilang

A new chapter

As one chapter closes, a new one opens. I’m looking forward to married life, Western food and a 9to5 job in Europe. It will be a year full of changes and adjustments, but I’m excited for what’s to come.

Thank you once again for all your support!

May God bless you,



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Stay updated!

Pray for:


- For a great and very special time saying goodbye in Lopit. Everyone was super nice and I was able to say goodbye well!

- For the past 2 years. I learned a lot, grew in a lot of different areas and got to know the love of my life.


- For protection on my travels to Canada.

- For a good time in Canada. That I would be able to finish the video projects well and for protection on my US-trip, visiting supporters of mine.

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